April 21, 2022
Wisconsin State Park in Summer

First established on April 22, 1970, Earth Day is an annual event to show support for the Earth’s environmental protection. Events and celebrations are held around the world on this day. April 22, 2022, marks the 52nd anniversary of this event, which was founded by Governor Gaylord Nelson, a former governor of Wisconsin.

Earth Day marked a watershed moment in the United States—while preceded by the Clean Air Act, it was followed shortly by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the passage of the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act in the early 70s.

How Earth Day Connects to Accurate-Airtight Exteriors

We at Accurate-Airtight Exteriors work on commercial and residential buildings to make them more efficient, comfortable, safe, but also more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We use building science solutions to air seal and insulate homes and buildings experiencing a variety of issues such as air leakage, comfort concerns, high energy bills, moisture issues, ice dams, and more. Blower door testing, infrared imaging, and other services are also offered to determine issues in buildings from residential homes to large commercial buildings.

Our work is important not only to help home and building owners save money and improve indoor comfort but also because saving energy and reducing energy waste helps the environment. We here at A-AE find writing this blog fitting due to the connection of our sustainability work in the Madison, WI area—the same state where Gaylord Nelson was governor. Our morals and values are aligned with helping the environment, not only with the work we do but the materials and processes we use.

Reach Out to Accurate-Airtight for Insulation and Air Sealing Upgrades

If you’re looking for some Earth Day-inspired activities to celebrate this weekend, feel free to visit Governor Nelson State Park to enjoy both nature and Governor Nelson’s legacy. But moving forward, let’s all take steps to help the environment, including energy efficiency upgrades for your home. Reach out to A-AE if you would like to schedule a home energy audit or complete some air sealing and insulation work to make your home or commercial building more efficient. Have a great Earth Day!

Reduce energy waste in your Wisconsin home with Accurate-Airtight Exteriors. Call 866.582.4320 or contact us to learn more.

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  • The insulation that Accurate-Airtight Exteriors installed in the walls of our rear exterior, has made our residence noticeably cooler in the summer months and has made it much more warm now the winter temperatures have occurred.

    Tim Alston